5 tips to thrive in a BYOA world

BYOA (Bring Your Own Access) is the new paradigm in the IT world which is helpful in scaling up your business. It is the kind of access approach which allows the users to create the software application according to their business needs. Increasing availability of the mobile apps development platforms and popularity of the end-user apps have led to the popularity of BYOA.  BYOA enables the users to get the better design of app to share file, layout and designing and e-mail marketing.

Image result for BYOA to your business

  • Allow the employees to work on their device: Cloud based apps are developed to help the users in various areas. These types of apps help for the corporate workers who frequently use their mobile phones for doing their work. Most of the employees feel comfortable to work on their own device. Personal devices seem more updated with the latest technology hence contribute in improving productivity of the employees.
  • Understand the reality of BYOA: BYOA provides the facility to the users to gain better control on the data, its usage and storage as well. It is very important that users shall understand the reality of BYOA so that it becomes easier for the employees to use it.
  • Create the plans for apps: The users are allowed to list and select their favorite or most used apps. A list of the approved apps should be created for submission and review of the new apps.  The demanded apps are then deployed and directory is created on the cloud.
  1. Ask about the popular apps:  Get in touch with the app providers to know about the popular apps. In this way, employers can learn about the apps which are profitable. Consumer-driven BYOA apps help in meeting the end-user requirements.
  2. Identities of the users should be managed: Single digital identity should be given to each employee. This makes it easy for the employers to identify who is accessing the device or data for doing his/her work.

Original post by jEyLaBs at https://jeylabsblog.com/2016/07/13/5-tips-to-thrive-in-a-byoa-world/

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