Four Steps Involved in a Personal Injury Case

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If you have been injured in a car accident, you might want to call one of the most reputable Colorado Personal Injury Attorneys to help you seek compensation for medical care and other damages. Although each personal injury case is different depending on the individual situations, some general procedures are followed during a case. Below are the components of a personal injury case:

Seeking Appropriate Medical Care

After a car accident, you must need medical attention even if you feel fine. If possible, ensure your care is well-documented and that all the details are available when you call a lawyer. 

Consulting With a Lawyer

The majority of personal injury attorneys will provide a free initial consultation to discuss your case’s viability. If you decide to pursue your case, the attorney will collect details about the accident and your injuries. Usually, the legal fee in this type of case is based on a percentage of the settlement or trial verdict. Because you don’t pay your lawyer up front, you should not hold back from getting the legal representation you deserve. 

Offering a Demand and Negotiating

After gathering all documentation of your injuries and losses, the lawyer will send a demand letter to the defendant’s insurance carrier. The insurance adjuster will review the attorney’s demand materials. Then, they will start negotiating with the insurance company to try and settle the case without going to a trial. 

Filing a Lawsuit

Although most personal injury cases settle outside of court, others end up in court. In such cases, your attorney will file a lawsuit that starts the discovery process. In this process, the lawyer will collect information through disposition, document collection and review, medical exam, and other ways to explore the liability and injury issues in your case. The case may be sent to meditation that will be followed by a trial if both parties cannot reach a settlement. 

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