Having your own business can have various advantages. As a person who owns the business, you get the liberty to work in your own way. This will also help you to be creative and productive throughout the day. However, running a business is not as straight forward as it may sound. It requires you to have a lot of experience and a good skill set. Being good at a profession can help you in your job, but when you own a business, you have to be good at many things. Quite often, you would be wearing different hats for the different jobs. You have to take care of everything right from marketing to expanding your business. Setting up a Printing factory [โรงพิมพ์, which is the term in Thai] can seem quite overwhelming, but if you take the necessary step, you can make a fortune.
Know your niche and get specialized:
Printing industry has many different areas; each one has its own depths. If you would try to do everything at once, you are just setting yourself up for failure. It is very crucial that you take small steps and plan things ahead. Not doing so might make you want to quit. Choose any one particular field and try to get good quality print in that. Don’t rush things as it might take some time to get better results. If you are having a hard time understanding stuff, you should get a job at a local print shop. In this way, you will be able to learn fast from someone who has years of experience in that particular field.
Keep the mindset of an artist:
Printing is an art form. Every good printer out there fills breath into the printed paper. Sometimes they do this by designing templates; other times they use particular color schemes that make the text appear aesthetic. It is very important to write down your client’s requirements while you design something. In this way, you will be integrating what exactly your client wants. Thereby, avoiding changes at later stages.