How to Get the Most Out of Interstitial Ads?

One of the most popular ad formats is interstitial ads, no doubt about that. If you have an app, you are likely to have heard ‘bout this ad format before. They are usually preferred by indie developers and their impressions and tendency to increase download rates are so high. So, what exactly is interstitial ads? Why are they often preferred? What are the best practises of this ad model? Keep reading to continue. ☺

What are interstitial ads?

Basically, they are full-screen ad formats covering the interface of an app. They appear at natural app transition points like pausing a game. In case users want to skip the ad, they have this option. The main difference between this ad model and banner ads is that interstitial ads cover all the screen, which makes them catchier and more impressive.

Why are they often preferred?

There are so many reasons for this preference. Here are the main ones:

  • Mobile interstitial ads have higher click-through rates, when compared to banner ads.  Their sizes and bigger impressions on users play a big role on this rates.
  • The larger the screens are, the more likely users to be convinced to take an intended action.

What are the best practises of this ad model?

Mobile interstitials ads are definitely so effective. However, if you don’t organize your interstitial ads strategy accroding to best practises, they might not work. So what are the best practises of this ad model?

Placement: First things first; you need to be very careful when locating your ad. Showing no ad to users is better than showing the right ads on the wrong screens.

Frequency: I assume that you have watched a TV show before. Sometimes those advertisements  drive us crazy, right? ☺ It is the same for the app users. Don’t bother your users showing them frequent ads, if you want to benefit from your advertising efforts.

We talked ‘bout interstitial ads briefly. Do you want to dive in and learn how to get the most out of your advertising efforts? Click here and enjoy yourself. ☺

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