Is the Oracle move a harbinger of things to come?
Nervous murmurings have occurred since Oracle’s recent announcement that they intend to relocate their IT support to one European base in Romania. This obviously has ramifications for hundreds of their hardware specialists throughout Europe who are now questioning their job security. It’s estimated that around 300 staff will be made redundant across the UK, Germany, France and Spain, and perhaps their smaller offices in the coming months.
Despite the cull, Oracle’s management believes that consolidating operations in to one office is a cost-effective move. Migration to Romania will occur one country at a time according to The Register’s article of 12th September 2017. It must be assumed that the ready workforce and a lower wages bill for Oracle are key incentives to drive operations through Romania.
Can IT support for small businesses succeed?
IT Support for small businesses from one central office could work effectively; face to face support has been dominant for a long time but the advance in internet and VPN technology and remote desktop access strongly suggests that remote business IT support will be universally welcome and rewarding. Oracle’s move could be perceived as a natural progression.
Prefer a face to face or combined business IT support option?
Arguably, Oracle’s activities will affect internal operations more than clients but if you prefer business IT support Reading oriented and accessible, remember that you don’t have to use a big company which has operatives thousands of miles away.
Face to face and remote freelance IT support services providers and consultants, including Bob Lewis-Basson, who works in partnership with Thames Valley Business Advisors, are ready and willing to take on IT support for small businesses, expertly, cost effectively and conveniently.
The impact of large operational changes like Oracle’s are minimal when you work with a local freelance IT support specialist.
Client freedom to choose IT support providers
It has been conceded that Oracle’s decision will negatively affect hundreds of their employees, time and technology have delivered redundancies and downsizing as viable business solutions for larger firms like Oracle. For clients it is beneficial to know that there are IT support for small business consultants on hand to serve them across their IT needs, just around the corner.
Bob Lewis-Basson believes that not having business IT support leaves a company vulnerable. A third-party assessment of operations is invaluable.
Bob has an impressive career history of providing MIS, internal IT support and guidance. He works as a consultant and carries out rigorous hardware, software and security audits at regular intervals.
He is excellent at spearheading developments and initiating best practices. His knowledge and experience have been highly beneficial to the SME’s he works with independently and through Thames Valley Business Advisors.
He invites you to contact him with IT support Reading questions, for consultancy and service provision. He has already strengthened several businesses positions, why not allow him to work with you on outstanding business IT support?