Ration card, Pan card Aadhar card which one is the ultimate card for Indian citizens 

With so many cards in place, doesn’t it become confusing that which card should be used for which purpose

I know with so many mandates coming from government you might be confused as I am

So here is a simple explanation in my 3-part series about the government ids and cards

Ration card is something which we have been hearing from a very very long time since our grandparent’s days

Ration card was one of the first identification systems started by the Indian government, its main purpose was to give below the poverty line citizens a subsided rate on daily grocery articles like rice, aata, oil, pulses and kerosene

With time and tied although we don’t buy these articles any more from the specialized recognized government shops like how e see in old Hindi movies in which a lot of action used to happen near these ration card shops for getting the right amount and quantity and quality of grocery items

It still remains as one of the most convoluted and priced possessions of us Indian, the biggest fact is that these ration card never used to come for a single person usually the head of the family (father) had a ration card in which he used to get the names of other family members added in the card

Fun fact J In my family my grandfather had a ration card and my name was added later

As a legal status ration card still holds the most important part and you can apply for ration card online these days

Thank you for reading this article which talked about ration card onlinekeep following this space for more articles in the space of government card and ID’s

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