Three Steps to Take If you Have been Sexually Harassed at Work

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Victims of sexual harassment in the workplace feel frustrated and uncomfortable and may no longer be interested in going to work every day. While victims want the act to stop right away, not all of them know what to do. If you think you have been sexually harassed in your workplace, you need to know contact a good Lambertville employment lawyer to help you understand the next steps to take. By taking the proper steps, you will be able to gather evidence to prove the act and understand how to report it. Here’s what you can do if you experience sexual harassment in the workplace:

Follow the Company’s Procedure

Generally, an employee handbook should outline procedures you can follow to report sexual harassment. It may tell you to report the harassment to the HR, supervisor, or manager. But, if your manager or supervisor is the one harassing you, the handbook may state that you report to their superior. It is a good idea to consult an attorney before you report the incident to the HR department. You will need to take this step before you file a complaint with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.

Keep Important Documentation

When you file a sexual harassment complaint, you must support your claim with evidence. Ensure you keep all text messages, emails, social media posts or messages, voicemails, and communication you got from the harassing party. Also, keep track of times, dates, the person’s behavior, and possible witnesses. Document the complaints you make to the company in writing.

Be Ready for Possible Retaliation

Employers are prohibited from retaliating against employees who file a complaint. However, retaliation can still happen. Retaliation can be done in the form of a demotion, termination, or other adverse employment action against you after you report the sexual harassment. Should you experience retaliation, you can file a separate retaliation complaint against the other harasser.

If you experience sexual harassment at work and your boss hasn’t taken action, you must speak with an employment attorney as soon as possible. Your attorney can give you advice on whether certain behaviors constitute sexual harassment. You will need this expert if you are worried that your employer might not respond kindly or effectively to a report. Sexual harassment charges and lawsuits should be filed within certain timeframes. A good attorney will help you hold your harasser accountable and will walk you through each step of the process.

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