For people who are new to cryptocurrency and want to buy them but don’t know how, it can be hard start investing in them. There are many hurdles for starters. What do you invest in? When do you get in? How do you buy them with dollars or euro? And where do you store them. These are questions many people struggle with and stops them from investing at all. There are many exchanges to be found on the internet. But when you’re uncertain on how to store them or think you can only buy a minimum of 1 bitcoin which costs several thousand dollars you want to be sure your money is safe before you invest. I stumbled upon this website which explains all this. Do you live in the Netherlands and are wondering how to buy Bitcoin? Or do you live somewhere else but speak Dutch or want to know all this? Visit the blog and google translate it. In this blog named Bitcoin kopen which means buy bitcoin in Dutch, Copy Trader (name of the website) explains how Dutch people can buy Bitcoin using Ideal (which is a common used payment platform in The Netherlands). It explains how to open an account on an exchange. What it takes to verify this account and Hoe kanik Bitcoin kopen? which translates to “How can I buy Bitcoin?”. It explains visitors how to use a wallet, how they can access their cryptocurrency addresses and store their coins in there. This is a blog you are definitely interested in if you want to start investing in crypto coins.
I know I have been looking forward to finding a blog like this and I think it definitely helps the newcomers out there. People who have been into cryptocurrency for a while know that the biggest crowd and majority of the people in the world have not even heard about cryptocurrency before or are invested in it. For those people this could be a good place to start out learning on what to do as it tackles problems many people face. One of the most important parts in the article is the fact that it explains that it can take several hours for Bitcoins to arrive after purchase. Many of my friends who started out investing in Bitcoin panicked after their buy when it did not receive instantly in their addresses.