Moona : The Best in E-Commerce Payment for Your Business

You may be searching for a partner system for your online e-commerce store and if that is the case, look no farther than Moona. This brand offers the merchant users a multitude of benefits, including boosting traffic to your website. They also offer secure payments and are 100 % free of charge to the website owner.

Boosting Traffic ?

Is your website suffering from sluggish traffic ? It is a considerable feat to attract customers to your online e-commerce website, which is generally done through word of mouth and search engine optimization methods online. Landing on the first page of Google helps to boost your traffic’s website, but it is not easy.

A more viable way to attract new customers to your business’ e-commerce website is to rely on the reputation of Moona. This company is so well liked by shoppers who use the program that they will often search online for merchants who use Moona as their primary payment system. Because users of the program receive a discount on their purchases, they often want to buy from a website that participates in Moona. You’re sure to see a boost in traffic from using this program for payment.

Payment Security

Another added benefit to using this particular program for your e-commerce website is that the payments completed with this program are especially secure for the user. This is one reason why Moona customers are so loyal to the brand. Moona is known for being a secure payment platform.

Moona uses a program called Stripe in order to complete all of shoppers’ payments. This is known as one of the safest payment technologies in the entire world. For credit card and debit card payments, this program uses a double authentication method. This verifies that the card is in fact being charged intentionally by the owner. Customers love this feature because it makes it so that they can rest assured that their card is never being used fraudulently on the Moona platform.

100 % Free of Charge

This payment program is actually completely free to the merchants who use it. While it may be difficult to imagine how this is possible, it is due to the fact that shoppers pay for an annual membership. The money that is accrued through shoppers’ annual membership payments is enough to cover the costs that would otherwise need to be paid by the merchants.

Shoppers receive an incentive for paying this annual membership. For each purchase that the shopper makes on the Moona platform, he or she receives a considerable discount totaling £5.
when you imagine how this type of discount adds up over time for those who use this platform, it is quite easy to see why the customers do not mind at all paying a minimal yearly membership fee. They get instant discounts at all of their merchant’s websites.

What more could you ask for in a payment platform ? Moona boost traffic to your website among the customers who you are so sincerely desiring to draw business from, free of charge.

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