Being a truck driver whether contract driver or independent driver you can be ensured to earn lots of wealth. As you are a commerce truck driver, you need to invest in sensible security for your commercial truck. Investing in truck insurance is the best way to ensure to be paid in case your truck gets damaged in any collision or pay the person who gets injured or whose asset get damaged as a result of the accident happened by your truck. Truck is an inexpensive vehicle means even a small damage caused by small accident can lead to expensive repairs. Auto insurance is there to fund all such repairs.
Types of primary liability coverage
This type of auto insurance is there to cover all the physical injuries and damages occurred due to particular accident. This insurance is there to comprise the basic coverage and can be taken for all types of commercial trucks. This insurance also covers the damage or injury caused by the insurance holder’s truck for the interest of the truck owner.
General liability coverage
This type of auto insurance is designed for and taken by the commercial truck companies in order to protect their trucks and truck driver through providing third party coverage policy . As it is company oriented insurance policy, it is there to cover a wide variety of the primary liabilities.
Physical damage coverage
When the truck driver becomes prone to physical injury in any truck accident then this insurance comes in light. This insurance is there to cover all the physical injuries suffered by the driver. Moreover, it covers the theft, vandalism and fire. This insurance covers all the damages whether small or large such as scratches, dents and collisions or its mark good shipping supplies.
Thus, this insurance is there to protect the truck driver by servicing third party payer and covers the all injuries and damages that fall under the policy of the insurance.