Involved in a car accident in Rockford? Follow these steps!

Car Accident Attorney Rockford IL | Law Office of Paul M. Marriett

Even if you like to drive safe, you could end up in a car accident. Every year, Illinois records a considerable number of auto accident cases. If you were involved in a car accident in Rockford, you should consider following the steps below. 

  1. Get medical help. Before anything else, ensure that you get medical assistance, and you can choose a doctor as you like. Do not discuss the case, what may have caused the accident, or anything else, with anyone, except for your doctor and immediate family. 
  2. Contact an attorney. Consider calling the office of a reliable Rockford auto accident lawyer to get a free consultation session. If you are unable to move because of your injuries, at least ask a friend or family member to meet the lawyer. They can guide you on the relevant legal aspects that matter. 
  3. File your claim. Note that the statute of limitations in Illinois allows you to file a personal injury lawsuit within a period of two years, but this doesn’t apply to the insurance claim. You would want to inform the insurer and file a claim within a few days. 
  4. Talk to your attorney in depth. Let your attorney know all the important details, even if you had a role to play in causing the accident. In Illinois, comparative fault rule applies, which means you can still get a part of your claimed amount in compensation, when you are partly responsible for the incident. 
  5. Know your claim’s worth. Your auto accident lawyer will explain what you can expect in terms of compensation. The list usually includes the medical bills, loss of wages, punitive damages, and at-home care. 

Hiring an attorney is surely a choice, but you may have a hard time dealing with insurance companies and other parties involved in the accident otherwise. The role of an attorney extends beyond doing the basic paperwork, and they can be instrumental in how your case shapes up. Check online now to find more on the top attorneys for car accident cases in Rockford and consult in person to know further. 

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