Your Guide to Getting a Job in Thailand

Working and living in Thailand is the ultimate dream for many people around the world. If you’ve ever been on vacation in the country that’s often referred to as the land of smiles, you’ll know just how easy it can be to fall in love with the natural beauty, amazing weather, delicious food, and memorable hospitality. So, it’s no surprise that visitors to Thailand often decide to return permanently. If you’re considering moving to and working in Thailand, read this guide for more information.

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How Easy is Finding a Job?

Of course, this is a very general question – as with anywhere, the ease of finding a job in Thailand will depend on a number of factors such as your past experience, the industry that you’d like to work in, your qualifications, and the general availability of work. Bear in mind that since Thailand is in many ways still a developing country, it may be difficult to find an office job compared to at home. On the other hand, you may find it easier to find a job in hospitality or teaching, for example.

Do I Need to Speak the Language?

No! You don’t need to spend years becoming fluent in Thai in order to work in Thailand. In fact, English is usually the only language that is required; around 80% of foreigners working in this country are not fluent in the native language. But, that being said, it’s definitely a good idea to learn some basic Thai language if you want to boost your chances of landing a job here.

Which Qualifications are Required?

Again, this will depend on the type of job that you are looking to work in. In most cases, the least that’s required from you in terms of qualifications is a high school diploma. In certain cases, for example, if you wish to teach English as a foreign language, a relevant qualification such as the TEFL certificate will be required. You do not need a university degree to legally work in Thailand, unlike many other Asian countries.

Where Can I Find a Job?

There are several different ways in which you can find job opportunities in Thailand. The easiest is perhaps to search online for jobs in Thailand; this allows you to find and apply to a job before you begin making travel plans. Many employers are understanding of travel constraints and will be willing to arrange a telephone or online interview for you, or in some rare cases, pay for your flight so you can attend the interview in person. Alternatively, you could try and find work through a Thai recruitment agency.

What Kind of Salary Can I Expect?

Bear in mind that when working in Thailand, you can usually expect to earn less than you would expect to in your home country. However, life in Thailand is much cheaper, and you can expect to earn a minimum wage depending on your country of origin.

Thailand welcomes foreigners from all around the world who travel there to live and work.

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